Where is my item being shipped from?
Once you place your order, we process your order within 2-4 business days it from our warehouses in Canada or USA (depending upon which location is closest to you).
Once your order is shipped, you will receive a shipment confirmation email including a tracking number. If you face any problem with your shipment during the time your order is being shipped, you can always contact us at info@shocute.com with your order number and we will make it right.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we do! We offer worldwide shipping. If there by chance doesn't happen to be a shipping option to your country at the checkout, please let us know and we will make an update right away.
How much is shipping to my country?
The shipping costs depend on your country/location and weight of the items in your order. Once you've placed your desired items in your cart and proceed to checkout, you will be able to get a shipping cost estimate to your location prior to confirming your purchase.
How quickly will my order ship out?
Our processing time is usually 2-4 business days from the time you place your order. We ship using various reliable shipping services including UPS/Fedex/USPS/Purolator. We choose the best, least expensive and the fastest shipping service for you (based on your location). We will provide a tracking number for your order by email. Delivery times vary depending on your location and the time of the order placement.
Product Care & Safety FAQ:
How do I care for my car seat cover?Your Silicone jewelry can be cleaned several ways: Simply hand wash it with mild soap and water then let it air dry. Or wash it in a dishwasher on the top rack. If you wish to sterilize it you can put it in boiling water for a few minutes and carefully remove it to cool it down (it can get really hot). Air dry it on a flat surface before using again.
How can I adjust the length of my teething necklace?
If you wish to shorten your necklace follow these simple steps:
1. Slide the clasp down, then cut the cord to the desired length, leaving ½ an inch for the knot.
2. Re-tie a knot at the end and slide the clasp over the top of the necklace. You are done!
What materials are your products made of?
Our car seat canopy covers are made of double layer of 100% premium cotton.
Our silicone Necklaces are made of high-quality 100% food-grade silicone, FDA-approved; non-toxic. They do not contain BPA, PVC, phthalate, cadmium, latex, lead, or heavy metals.
What ages are your products intended for?
The baby car seat cover can usually be used up until your child is using an infant car seat (mostly around 0 -12 months).
The silicone teething necklace is intended to be worn by an adult, it is not a toy and should not be given to baby for unattended play.
Where is your product made?
Our products are designed with love in Canada and made responsibly in China.
Do you have an Instagram or Facebook account?
Yes, you can find us at Instagram @shocute.inc or at Sho Cute on Facebook.
Other FAQ:
Do you sell in wholesale?
Yes, we do! If you have any questions regarding wholesale orders please email us at: info@shocute.com.